What is Blue-Green Algae?
Blue-green algae are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth, bursting with high concentrations of vitamins, proteins, and nutrients. Now this superfood is available for your pets as an active ingredient in NuVet Plus.
Several of the bioactive components in blue-green algae, such as carotenoids, fibers, γ-linolenic acid, phycocyanin, and plant sterols, promote optimal health. Research shows that these various components can help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as inhibit free radicals in humans. The powerful bioactive components in blue-green algae are also being utilized to promote optimal health for pets.
The Origins
Blue-green algae (BGA) are among most primitive life forms on the planet; humans have consumed these algae as food or as medicine for centuries.
Some types of blue-green algae are inedible. Most of these inedible types grow in stagnant water. However, running water provides a safe source of food-grade blue-green algae, fit for consumption by humans and by pets. Harvesting of blue-green algae typically occurs during the summertime, from June to November. Filtering preserves the most vibrant algae blooms, and centrifugation further purifies the supplement.
BGA delivers a one-two potency punch – an abundance of nutrition in a highly absorbable form. Two varieties, aphanizomenon flos-aquae and spirulina, are the most consumed forms of this unique ingredient because of their high concentration of nutrients. From the Aztecs to modern day, humans have been consuming spirulina and enjoying its various beneficial properties.
Health Benefits
BGA is made up of 50 to 70 percent vegetable protein. It contains a high concentration of nutrients and a wide spectrum of amino acids, including the essential and nonessential amino acids that pets need for good health.
Blue-green algae also contains antioxidants, which means it aids in the fight against dangerous free radicals that damage the bodies cells. Dangerous free radicals form as the results of cellular function and environmental stressors. They damage tissue by “stealing” electrons from nearby molecules, thereby destabilizing the cellular makeup of body tissue. The antioxidants in BGA provide health benefits by neutralizing free radicals and helping to maintain tissue integrity.
The edible algae also have beta-carotene, which can improve eyesight, especially at night. Beta-carotene has also been shown to help improve the intensity of a dog’s coat color. BGA also contain chlorophyll and trace minerals. It promotes intestinal regularity, helps maintain a healthy weight, aids in purifying the blood and assist in stabilizing proper blood sugar levels.
Pet Supplements
Incorporating a canine supplement containing premium blue-green algae into any dog’s nutrition program encourages a healthy immune system and promotes longevity of life. The NuVet Plus immune system builder incorporates this crucial nutrient, as well as many other unique ingredients in it’s canine and feline formula. NuVet Plus contains over 30 ingredients; including cat’s claw, chicken liver, bet-carotene, evening primrose oil, and vitamin b complex, that work simultaneously to provide superior immune system support. Visit the NuVet Labs website to start your furry friend on NuVet Plus right away.
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