Halloween Safety Tips for Cats
Beloved by many, Halloween is that fun time of year when we can get dressed up in cool costumes and eat sugary stuff. Despite the glowing jack-o-lanterns, sweet treats and scary clothes, Halloween can pose certain risks to your feline family members.
In our continued efforts to keep our readers informed, NuVet has put together a list of some things to be watchful for this Halloween. Below are some Halloween safety tips so that all members of your family can enjoy the festivities safely.
Black cats and other pets
Historically, black cats have been more vulnerable to pranksters and other individuals who may be up to no good on Halloween. This is why it is a good idea to keep your kitty indoors. Since Halloween can be a time of shenanigans and other tomfoolery, it is a good idea to keep all pets indoors.
Create a safe space
The steady flow of excited, costumed trick-or-treaters and constant dinging of the doorbell, can cause Fluffy to be stressed. This is why it is a good idea to create a quiet place where she can relax during the Halloween festivities.
A room with the door shut or even a cat carrier away from the door can give your cat the space she needs to stay happy. Make sure Fluffy has food, water and her daily dose of NuVet Plus with her. You also don’t want kitty darting out the door where she can quickly disappear in the melee of Halloween traffic.
Candy wrappers
There is nothing a curious kitty likes to swat around more than brightly colored and crinkly sounding small objects, which is exactly what most Halloween candy appears to be. Unfortunately, it is quite easy for an overzealous kitty to rip open the candy and ingest it, and the wrapper.
These can get stuck inside her intestines and cause digestive problems and may even warrant a trip to the veterinarian. Lollipop sticks are also dangerous and can easily become stuck in a cat’s throat. Keeping a close eye on the candy and trying to keep it out of kitty’s reach is a good idea. The only thing kitty should be eating this Halloween is a high-quality diet.
Halloween really is the winner when it comes to fun, colorful and noisy decorations. Many of these festive items contain cords, small pieces or dangling and hanging objects. Just like the candy, your cat is bound to find some of these spooky things very attractive playthings.
To keep Fluffy safe, make sure she cannot get at any of these bits and pieces. Sometimes parts of the decorations can become loose, fall off or even be removed by a clever cat. As a result, check for any decoration debris. You also don’t want kitty ingesting any of these items as they can become stuck in your cat’s intestines and even wrapped around them, which can be very harmful and possibly require an immediate vet visit.
A Halloween favorite for many humans, chocolate, is toxic to cats (as well as dogs). This Halloween treat should be kept out of kitty’s reach. You can also choose to forego chocolate at your house as a Halloween treat and select from the myriad of other sweet goodies available during the season. Also, remember those fun wrappers we mentioned earlier? It could be doubly bad if Fluffy not only tears open and ingests a wrapper but also eats the chocolate.
Costume safety
There’s nothing cuter than a cat in a Halloween costume, (or so says most cat-loving humans!). Just make sure that your cat seems to be tolerating the getup too. If your kitty is getting stressed out over her Minion costume, it is probably time to remove it. Also remember that any costume you pick this year does not infringe on your cat’s ability to see, hear, walk…you get the idea. If in doubt about Fluffy’s costume, take some quick pictures and then remove it.
With the above Halloween safety tips, you and your feline family should be able to enjoy the Halloween festivities safely. It is easy to have a safe and fun Halloween just by keeping track of a few things in your cat’s environment.
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