We think cats are pretty cool and we are sure that most cat parents would agree. So in honor of cats and their fun personalities we thought we would clear up some common kitty misconceptions. Here is what we have to share…
Cats steal the breath of infants
This is an old wives tale that could stem back to the old belief that cats were the familiars of witches and thus sinister. The truth is, you might find your cat cozying up to your baby simply because they want to snuggle, which may or may not be something you are comfortable with as babies usually do not have the ability or strength to push a cat away if kitty gets too close to baby’s mouth or nose. Otherwise, cats have no intention or desire to steal a baby’s breath. For safety’s sake, it is generally a good idea to know where your pets are in relation to your children.
Cats can’t stand water
This is simply not true. House cats as a general rule may avoid full immersion in a sink or tub simply because they aren’t adapted to water or used to it. However, cats regularly enjoy watching the stimulating plip-plop of a drippy faucet and will often partake of a quick roll around a tub post-shower. And if thirsty, your cat certainly won’t turn away from a faucet if some refreshing, cool water is flowing out. Moreover, there are actually certain cat breeds that are quite adept at water play, like the Turkish Van. Larger cats in the wild also don’t mind frolicking around in a nice cool lake or stream. Some even like to go fishing!
Cats love cow’s milk
Ask yourself, why would a cat want to drink the milk of another animal? In truth, the best milk for your cat is that of its mother before kitty is weaned. Once weaned, there is no need for your cat to drink milk at all. In fact, most cats develop lactose intolerance as they get older. As a result, cats often experience severe conditions if they ingest cow’s milk because their body does not generate enough of the enzyme needed to break down the milk. Ideally, you cat should be meeting their protein requirements through a proper diet. As far as beverages are concerned, fresh water is all your feline companion needs.
Only female cats are calico
Interestingly, the myth that only female cats can be calico is not true. What is true is that most calico cats are female and that is because the color pattern for calico is carried by the X chromosome. Rarely, a male calico is born, around 1 in 3,000 cats. Perhaps what is more interesting, is that these male calicos are typically born sterile, which makes for them being that much more unique.
Declawing is equal to nail trim
Far from a simple nail trim, declawing is equivalent to having the tips of your fingers amputated up to the first joint. Declawing is surgery and irreversible. Cats don’t claw to be destructive but to mark territory, shed old nails and to stretch. Fortunately, with a little time and patience cats can learn that they should only scratch in designated parts of the home like a scratching post for example. Being declawed has been linked with a lot of negative effects including surgical complications, joint problems in their feet and behavioral problems. According to the Humane Society of the United States, most countries have banned the practice of declawing.