Chances are you adore your cat but you’re not too fond of Fluffy’s litter box. If you are finding that your cat’s bathroom is problematic, here’s a list of helpful litter box tips to help keep your home fresh smelling and clean so keep reading. You may discover something that can help make your little ball of fur’s litter box more tolerable.
Keep box in a well ventilated area
Keeping your cat’s litter box in a well-ventilated area with good airflow is essential to keeping litter box odor at bay. If you can place your litter box near a window or exhaust fan that is even better. Keeping your cat’s box in a closed, confined space will allow odors to build up in that area and will also make it uninviting to your kitty – meaning you might find your cat leaving little surprises around your house.
Get a new box every year
Because it is usually full of litter it can be hard to tell but Fluffy’s litter box does take a bit of a beating, especially if your cat has claws. When your cat uses their box, they can leave tiny scratches in the plastic. The litter can also leave scratches and indentations in the box. Odors, urine and feces can get trapped in these places despite your best cleaning efforts, which can make the litter box odoriferous and unpleasant.
Clean box daily
Develop a regular, daily routine for cleaning out your cat’s litter box. By doing this you’re not only keeping odors under control you are also making your box more pleasant for your cat. Cats are fairly tidy animals and like their bathrooms to be as well. A box overflowing with waste will make your kitty angry, which could force her to show her displeasure by leaving a smelly surprise somewhere unpleasant!
Change litter weekly
A good rule of thumb is to give Fluffy’s litter box a thorough cleaning once a week. This means disposing of the old litter, washing the box well with soap and water and adding fresh litter.
Get the right size
If your cat’s litter box is too small she is going to let you know. Not only will she have accidents on, outside of and around her box she might also get urine and feces on the wall and other surrounding areas. It’s generally a good idea to get a box big enough for your cat and with high sides to keep the waste deposits inside. Lids on litter boxes are generally considered a bad idea as they can trap odors, which your cat will find quite displeasing and probably insulting and you know what displeased and insulted cats like to do…