What is Cat’s Claw?
Cat’s Claw is one of the most beneficial ingredients to have in a pet supplement product — but the name can be misleading. Cat’s Claw, which is also sometimes referred to as Una de Gato, is an ancient herb that has been found to have amazing health properties. In 1997, Una de Gato’s popularity grew and it became the seventh most popular herb sold in the United States.
This ancient herb originates in the Peruvian rain forest and is extracted from a woody vine. People who are native to Peru have been using the herb for centuries in order to promote internal health. In modern times, it is being included in some pet supplement products in order to boost the immune system and improve quality of life.
How Does Cat’s Claw Benefit My Pet’s Health?
• Cat’s Claw acts as a natural cleanser for the intestinal tract. It’s properties help to keep your pet as regular as possible, improving overall digestion and nutrient absorption.
• This ancient herb also increases the amount of white blood cells in an animal’s body. By enhancing the white blood cells, your pet’s body will be better equipped to aid in the fight against potentially dangerous free radicals. This is one of the best ways to help boost your dog or cats immune system.
• Cat’s Claw also has various antioxidant properties. It provides your four-legged family member with essential nutrients and nourishes the immune system. Likewise, it helps support a healthy microbial community in your canine or feline companion.
• This natural ingredient has also been known to promote cardiovascular health. Cat’s Claw helps to increase circulation and lower blood pressure.
• Studies have shown that cat’s claw can be beneficial in maintaining and promoting healthy joints. Certain properties found in the herb can help improve mobility and flexibility in your pet.
Pet Supplement Ingredient
Many pet owners have found that by providing their pets with a daily supplement, they have improved energy and quality of life. A natural high quality pet supplement, such as the NuVet Plus feline or canine formula, will help fill the gaps in your pet’s nutritional needs. The addition of a daily supplement to your pet’s diet ensures that they are receiving all of the nutrients they need to achieve their best health.
NuVet Labs includes cat’s claw in their feline and canine immune system builder formula. It is one of their most valuable ingredients because of the many beneficial components for pet health. The immune boosting properties found in cat’s claw help to keep your furry family member healthy starting from the inside. To find out more information about NuVet Plus, and the pivotal ingredient cat’s claw, visit NuVet Labs today.
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